Phase 1 - Owner's Share - A Simplified Checklist for Business Visa Subclass 888 | All Phases 1 - 3/8


Following the steps outlined in the post to clearly define the owner's share in a company can clearly outline the ownership structure and rights and responsibilities of each owner to avoid disputes and ensure the smooth operation of the business, which can be beneficial when applying for immigration benefits that require proof of business ownership


Owner's Share:

Step 1: Define the owner's share in the company's constitution

  • The company's constitution should outline the owner's rights and responsibilities
  • It should clearly define the ownership structure of the business, including the percentage of ownership each owner has
  • This will help prevent disputes and ensure that everyone involved in the business is on the same page.

Step 2: Establish a shareholders' agreement to outline the owner's rights

  • A shareholders' agreement should be put in place to outline the rights and obligations of the owners
  • It should include details on how decisions are made, how profits are distributed, and how ownership can be transferred
  • This will help protect the interests of all owners and ensure that the business operates smoothly.

Step 3: Clearly define the ownership structure of the business

  • The ownership structure of the business should be clearly defined in the constitution and shareholders' agreement
  • This includes the percentage of ownership each owner has and how decisions are made
  • This will help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that everyone involved in the business is aware of their rights and responsibilities.




This is no financial, accounting, tax, business registration, or legal advice.

The mentioned items are to be taken as general advice, and each applicant has to seek professional advice for each specific item.


​​Sam Lotfollahi 

Helping you grant visa,move to, settle in, and explore your new home in Australia. ​​​​​​​