Partner visa offshore (Subclass 309/100 visa)

Partner visa offshore (Subclass 309/100 visa)
While applying for a Partner visa offshore (Subclass 309/100 visa), It is common practice to stay outside Australia until the first step, granting a subclass 309 visa, is approached. You may work and study in Australia with this visa (subclass 309), but you will not be eligible for Australian government income assistance. Your permanent Partner visa (subclass 100) will be awarded after you have been granted a subclass 309 visa …
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prospective marriage visa

prospective marriage visa
The procedure for obtaining a prospective marriage visa is divided into three stages; Firstly, Granting visa subclass 300; Secondly, applying for an Onshore Partner Visa subclass 820; Thirdly, applying two years from the date of the 820 application for an onshore partner visa subclass 801. Within the visa's 9-month validity term of granting visa subclass 300, you may visit Australia to marry your intending Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible …
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The Partner Visa 820 to 801 (temporary to permanent)

The Partner Visa 820 to 801 (temporary to permanent)
    A two-step procedure is required to get a Subclass 801 permanent visa. You may apply for this permanent visa (Subclass 801) after your temporary visa (Subclass 820) has been granted. The temporary visa Subclass 820 allows the partner to live in Australia and take the first step in obtaining a permanent residency visa (Subclass 801) in Australia. This permanent visa typically takes two years to process from the …
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How long does it take to process a Partnership visa in Australia?

How long does it take to process a Partnership visa in Australia?
According to the Department of Home Affairs,  Global visa processing times are updated monthly to estimate applicants' processing time. Individual factors, such as: whether or not applicants have submitted their applications with all the supporting papers or not, the amount of data that has been presented, and consequently the time is taken to check the presented evidence, will influence the time an application needs to be processed. Partnership visas are …
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۷ مزیت کسب و کار در استرالیا

۷ مزیت کسب و کار در استرالیا
    بر اساس شاخص زندگی بهتر OECD، استرالیا از نظر متوسط درآمد قابل تصرف هر خانوار در رتبه پنجم قرار دارد. این بدان معنی است که در مقایسه با بسیاری از نقاط دیگر جهان، افراد بیشتری پول خرج می کنند و این شرایط عالی را برای تجارت ایجاد می کند. در سال 2001، دولت استرالیا اصلاحات اساسی در قانون شرکت‌ها را تکمیل کرد و مقررات را ساده کرد و …
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قابل توجه دارندگان ویزای تجاری استرالیا

قابل توجه دارندگان ویزای تجاری استرالیا
به دارندگان ویزاهای تجاری استرالیا توصیه می شود جهت شفافیت و راحتی در اثبات دارایی های تجاری شما تمام نقل و انتقالات مربوط به کسب و کار شما در استرالیا ابتدا به حساب شخصی و سپس از حساب شخصی شما به .حساب بیزینسی انتقال داده شود همچنین رسید آسترک مربوط به این نقل انتقالات بایگانی شود.
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Australian Spouse Visa

Australian Spouse Visa
 PMV - Subclass 300 Generally for those couples that are engaged and the applicant is currently outside of Australia.  Offshore Partner Visa - Subclass 309/100 Generally for those that are cohabitating outside of Australia, or have cohabitated previously, and are in a married or de facto relationship, and intend to apply whilst the applicant is outside of Australia. It is also advisable that couples be in a relationship …
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